– The discount for electric cars changes from 50% to 25% .
– Pay for parking? Click here.
– Day passes for residential zones (tariff group 5736) can be purchased in EasyPark as an alternative to scratch cards.
– The discount for electric cars changes from 50% to 25% .
– Pay for parking? Click here.
– Day passes for residential zones (tariff group 5736) can be purchased in EasyPark as an alternative to scratch cards.
Stavanger parkering KF has the right to change these terms and conditions provided that the User is informed of such changes with 30 days' notice before the change takes effect. Notification of changed terms is made by e-mail message.
This agreement is entered into between Stavanger Parkering KF as the provider of the Freeflow service (the "Service") and the user (the "Customer"). The agreement regulates the parties' rights and obligations in relation to the use of the Service. Acceptance and conclusion of this agreement is an absolute condition for the Customer to use the Service. Such acceptance and conclusion is given by the Customer agreeing that the terms of this agreement are accepted. This is done by acceptance in electronic dialog before the Service is taken into use. The Service can only be used for payment of parking fees after an agreement has been entered into via the Service with parking facilities that offer the service. Stavanger parkering KF is not responsible for the Customer's damage if a technical function does not work, such as payment function, mobile phone operator or e-mail provider.
In order for the Customer to be able to use the Service, the Customer must register a credit card. The Agreement entitles the Customer to use the Service to pay for parking. The Customer accepts that registered credit cards will be charged with the prices applicable from time to time, including taxes and service fees. The final price for parking is calculated as soon as the parking is completed. It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure that the registered credit card is valid, has coverage and is not blocked. If the Service does not work or is unavailable, it is the Customer's responsibility to arrange for payment in another way.
With purchase it is:
Credit card registrations and payments are processed by Nets, which offers a secure electronic payment solution. All card information is stored in accordance with the card companies' regulations. No credit card information will be stored in the Service.
When sending a manual invoice, an administration fee of NOK 39 will be added.
Subscription means that you have prepaid for a given period, in one parking garage.
The subscription is not a space reservation and requires available space in the facility subscribed to.
The agreement is valid from the time the customer accepts these terms and conditions. The Customer may terminate the Agreement by written notice to Stavanger Parkering KF. Stavanger Parkering KF may terminate the agreement with the Customer with written notice if Stavanger Parkering KF stops offering the Service, changes the Service significantly or for other reasons does not maintain the Service. Upon termination of the Agreement, the parties' unsettled obligations to each other, including the Customer's outstanding payment obligations, will not lapse.
In Norway, the processing of personal data is regulated by a separate law, the Act relating to the processing of personal data of April 14, 2000 No. 31 and associated regulations. These regulations set out requirements for the processing of personal data, and safeguard your right to be protected against undue interference in your private life. At the same time, it gives you the opportunity to gain control and an overview of the data and information companies have about you.
Stavanger Parkering KF takes privacy seriously because it is about respect for you as a customer. We process personal data in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations at all times. Information about privacy can be found at datatilsynet.no. The information that Stavanger Parkering KF receives about you will be used to manage the customer relationship and our obligations under the agreement with you. This is regulated in section 8a of the Personal Data Act.
No personal data is recorded for statistical purposes. Purchase information is recorded and stored in order to document purchases.
Stavanger Parkering KF is the data controller for the personal data in the service. Stavanger Parkering KF has internal routines for how personal data is to be processed, and access to the information is secured with access control and passwords. At the system provider of the Service, only employees related to customer service and development have access to the personal data.
In order for the Customer to be able to use the Service, the Customer must provide the following information, which is also stored:
You have the right to request access to the information that is registered about you in accordance with section 18 of the Personal Data Act. If they are incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, you can have them corrected, supplemented or deleted at any time. You can do this by contacting Stavanger Parkering by e-mail at post@stavanger-parkering.no.